BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders) - ECPv5.15.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders) X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders) BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20220313T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20221106T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220509T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220510T180000 DTSTAMP:20220526T054301 CREATED:20220414T110326Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220414T110326Z SUMMARY:11th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Utilitarian Conference DESCRIPTION:Greetings. On the behalf of Pathology Utilitarian Committee\, we warmly welcome you to the 11th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Utilitarian Conference (11EPUCG2022). The motto of the Pathology Conference –11EPUCG2022: Where pathologists meet innovation & technology for a better outcome.\nOn the occasion of this wonderful event\, we cordially welcome participants from all around the world to join us for an Online Pathology Conference.\nPathology Conference 2022 seeks to bring together professionals\, industrialists\, and students from the pathology research community to share their latest breakthroughs and applications\, as well as engage in interactive discussions and technical seminars. Companies and/or universities will also be able to offer their services\, products\, innovations\, and research findings during the Conferences.\nWe have an exciting and informative program at the Pathology Congress that will allow the participants to reflect upon and celebrate our accomplishments\, renew collaboration and extend their networking\, and to investigate current and future research in a particular direction.\nPathology Conference Program will encourage discussions and hope to inspire members from a wide array of themes to initiate networking and collaboration within and across disciplines for the advancement of the Pathology field. 11EPUCG2022 will be a great conference for sharing the latest insights of both academic and industrial research.\nThe objective of this unique Digital Pathology conference is to promote the highest standards of pathology in management. The Conference aims to equip young research talents with knowledge about recent developments\, advance the effectiveness of pathology.\nDon’t miss this opportunity to be inspired by joining colleagues from all over Europe\, the USA\, UAE\, Middle East\, and Asia to update yourself\, to network.\nSave the dates\, May 9-10\, 2022. Start preparing your abstracts\, poster and don’t forget to tell your colleagues – this is going to be the best Pathologists conference ever!\nWe hope that you will have a productive and fun-filled time at the 11th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Utilitarian Conference.\nOur best regards\,\nUCGConference OCM\nConference highlights are Pathology | Digital Pathology | Breast Pathology | Pediatric Pathology | Histopathology | Cancer Cytopathology | Diagnostics Pathology | Surgical Pathology | Ophthalmic Pathology| Renal Pathology And Urinary Tract Pathology | Anatomical Pathology\, Forensic Pathology\, Autopsy Pathology | Hematopathology | Gynaecological Pathology & Uropathology | Liver Pathology And Gastrointestinal Pathology | Molecular Pathology | Head And Neck Pathology | Neuropathology | Nephropathology | Immunopathology | Microbial Pathology & Infectious Disease Pathology | Dermatopathology | Soft Tissue And Bone Pathology | Speech-Language Pathology | Clinical Pathology & Chemical Pathology | Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology | Experimental Pathology | Coronavirus Pathogenesis | Pathology with Technology\nEPUCG- SUPPORTING JOURNALS\nUnified Citation Journals is a platform for the latest discoveries in Technology\, Science\, engineering\, medicine\, medical clinical\, and advancing discoveries and health. We at Unified Citation Journals ensure the advancement of healthcare and improve performance for the benefit of humanity.\nLearn More: \nePoster Community is a medium of electronic presentation of your scientific posters that allow you to present and publish the latest scientific research work of your interest in front of worldwide viewers\, learners\, and open access community. An ePoster is worth a thousand words; it’s self-explanatory – it stands on its own and does most of your explanation digitally. We welcome researchers to submit their posters and make it visible. ePosters can contain many different rich resources such as research work\, case reports\, presentations\, company profiles\, assignments\, images\, trending news\, projects\, summary\, results\, apps\, links\, etc. More details:\nConference Benefits \n15 CME Hours\n15 CPD Hours\nLive Sessions\nOne on One meet with Experts and Investors on Demand\nA showcase of new Products\nCertification of Recognition\nIndustrial Exhibitions\nMeet your Academic idols\nHear about the latest research\nEngage in High-level debates & Q/A\nNetworking for future collaboration\nPublication of abstracts on our Website\nAdd Research Value\nEmployment Bureau\nNetworking Sessions \nImportant Information:\nConference Name: 11th Emirates Pathology & Digital Pathology Utilitarian Conference\nShort Name: 11EPUCG2022\nDates May 9-10\, 2022\nVenue: Online\nScientific Program: It will only include plenary speakers\, keynote speakers\, panel discussions and presentations in parallel sessions.\nAudience: Global Leaders\, Industrialists\, Business Delegates\, Students\, Entrepreneurs\, Executives\nEmail:\nVisit:\nPathology Experts:\nCall for Papers:\nRegister here:\nCall Us: +12076890407\nWhatsApp Us: +4420332227110 \nConnect With Us:\nUrl:\nEmail:\nTwitter:\nLinkedIn:\nFacebook Page:\nFacebook:\nInstagram:\nPinterest:\nTumblr:\nYoutube: \nTarget Audience: Pathologists\, Neurologist\, Surgeons\, Cytopathologists\, Clinical and academic dermatologists\, residents\, fellows\, and mid-level providers and other allied healthcare providers and students with a special interest in dermatology. Dermatopathologists\, Gynecologists\, Lecturers. CTOs\, VPs\, Directors\, Senior Managers\, Scientists\, Doctors\, Chief officers\, Professors\, Anatomic Pathologist\, Product Managers\nCommunity: Utilitarian Conferences Gathering\nReg. No. 12330203\nRegistered at UCG\, 12 Constance Street\, London\, England\, E16 2DQ\, UK\nUtilitarian Conferences Gathering offers a wide range of events\, Meetings\, Conferences\, Workshops\, symposiums. We have a dedicated team who are aimed at acquiring the technologies\, adopting the knowledge of business needs\, and accelerate with the best ideas and strategies. Utilitarian Conferences Gathering is a pioneer in the area of Event Management\, Collaboration. We are a full-service event provider specializing in the field of Medical\, Clinical\, Healthcare\, Life Sciences\, Engineering\, Pharma\, Environmental Science\, Engineering\, Business\, Agricultural\, and Food event services for Academic and Industrial Sectors. We stand out distinctively from our competitors for our commitment to quality\, round-the-clock service\, and unmatched price. We are able to provide you with the best event\, Meeting experience under one roof. We at Utilitarian Conferences Gathering make sure that you as a client choose the most appropriate event.\nMore Information:\nLinkedIn:\nE:\nTweets by UCGConferences\nFacebook: URL: LOCATION:online\, 12 Constance Street\, London\, England\, E16 2DQ\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Rare Disease Day ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR